Our products are used for database development by over 10,000 organisations in more than 70 countries around the globe - across Fortune 1000, public enterprise, science and technology sectors.

"If someone wants a powerful entity relationship modeler with the ability to forward and reverse engineer a database (and continually compare), then they should look no further than DeZign for Databases. Your software is really awesome."
Curtis Sund
Case Studies
Read the case studies below to learn how some of our clients are using our software to build better databases.

Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota
Wynn Richardson describes how the people at CFFM use DeZign for Databases for the development of their product, and especially its 'versioning' function in their Beta tests: "We built a system to utilize the versioning capability of DeZign. Over the course of the beta test we made over 750 changes to the database model and no beta tester lost any data. They didn't even realize what was happening."

Consic Software Engineering
Stefan Heymann from Consic explains how DeZign for Databases is used for product development in his company. He states the benefits of the ability to visually model a database as opposed to through a plain text SQL files: "With DeZign I can do the modeling process with a visual tool the developer can get a much better 'feel' for the new structure".

CNOC informatiesystemen
Birger Jansen from CNOC explains why they made DeZign for Databases Expert their company standard modelling tool, even though they have not been using DeZign that long: "DeZign for Databases is just a great tool for the development and maintenance of database diagrams and the corresponding databases".
What Users Say
I have been using DeZign since 2010 - and find that it offers features found in products many times its price. Excellent value - keep up the great work.
Ken Blackstein, COO
Collaborative Internet Computing
DeZign just keeps getting better. I've been really happy with the software - and that's a high compliment, because I am NOT easily pleased - I'm a senior database architect and have been in this arena for the last 15 years.
V. Newell, Senior Database Architect
We have been using DeZign for quit a while now and are very satisfied with the product and with your great support.
Pascal Hasler, Head of Technology
Advellence AG Switzerland