Annual Support & Maintenance
Annual Support & Maintenance provides you access to technical support and free upgrade(s) to the latest releases of your Datanamic products throughout the year of ownership. This can result in significant savings over purchasing software upgrades. The cost of Annual Support & Maintenance is less than the cost of paying for the upgrade when it comes out. Rather than purchasing an upgraded version of a product every few years, customers can accurately budget for software upgrades though the Support & Maintenance program and treat the upgrades as annual business expenses rather than periodic, large purchases.
Perpetual licenses come with one year of Annual Support & Maintenance. You need to renew this Annual Support & Maintenance each year to continue your access to technical support, product upgrades, and the other benefits. If you let your support package lapse you will be unable to renew it and will instead need to purchase a brand new license.

Software Upgrades
Receive free upgrades to the next version, which includes the latest features. A new version comes out every year, and Maintenance guarantees you will get the latest version.

Technical Support
Quickly solve problems that arise by gaining access to the Datanamic Support Team who can assist with installation, licensing, defects, and backwards compatibility (and more....).

Predictable Budgeting
Include predictable annual payments into your budget planning cycle, ensuring that you always have access to the latest version of the software.

Minor Updates
While minor releases such as bug fixes are free, customers with Annual Support & Maintenance can access the latest updates the moment they are released.