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About Version Types

Using DeZign for Databases, you can save different versions of a model for archiving, comparisons or altering a database purposes. These versions are stored in the project file (not in external files).

There are two types of versions:

1. Data dictionary and diagram information

This type of version holds information about the datadictionary and the diagrams. These versions have to be created by the user and can also be called backup versions. You can always go back to an older version when it contains the data dictionary and diagram information.

2. Data dictionary only (no diagrams)

This type of version holds information about the datadictionary only. Diagram information is not stored. This type of version is created automatically by DeZign for Databases. This type of version is created after you've chosen to generate your database and after you've chosen to alter your database. It holds a snapshot of what should be available in your physical database. These versions are used to compare against your current model (current version). This way DeZign for Databases knows what changes has been made when altering a database.