About Datanamic
Smart tools for database modeling, development and administration.

Datanamic Unveils DB Zipper, A New Cross-Database Utility Providing an Easy Way to Backup and Migrate Data

Leiden - May 2007 - Datanamic Solutions has released DB Zipper V1, a cross-database tool to package and unpack database tables.

DB Zipper V1 is a database tool that processes table data and table structures from any database into a compressed database archive file. With DB Zipper you can extract your (selected) tables from the database archive file to any supported target database.

Database archive files are "archives" used for distributing and storing database tables. One database archive can hold tables from multiple databases. Database archive files can be archived, e-mailed, checked into source control, run against another databases etc.

DB Zipper V1 is the easiest way to distribute any database on a corporate intranet, the Web, e-mail or CD-ROM. With DB Zipper V1 you can move your database from A to B and translate tables from database type A to type B. It is also a simple backup solution and it simplifies your database deployment.

System Requirements and Database Support

DB Zipper V1 is available as a 32-bit application. The product is available for Windows and requires a minimum of 64MB RAM. Disk space requirement is 4 MB.

DB Zipper V1 supports the following databases: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, NexusDB, DBISAM, InterBase, Firebird and MySQL.

Pricing and Availability

Pricing for DB Zipper V1 starts at E75 (EURO)/$95 (USD) for a single user license. DB Zipper V1 is available from the Datanamic corporate Web site at www.datanamic.com/dbzipper/.

Comprehensive product details are available at www.datanamic.com/dbzipper/

About Datanamic Solutions

Datanamic is a privately owned company based in Leiden, the Netherlands. Datanamic Solutions creates innovative database tools to assist the simplification and automation of database development. To learn more about us please visit our website at www.datanamic.com.

#### For Further Information:

Contact: Maaike van Doorn (press@datanamic.com)

Datanamic Solutions
Hooigracht 15
2312 KM Leiden
The Netherlands
tel: +31(0)71 - 5140901
fax: +31(0)71 - 5143593