DB Data Generator Public Beta Released
MARCH 2007A new Datanamic product, DB Data Generator has entered its first public Beta release.
DB Data Generator is a simple, powerful data generator that allows developers to easily populate databases with thousands of rows of meaningful and syntactically correct test data for database testing purposes. Currently the following databases are supported: MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, InterBase and Firebird.
You can download DB Data Generator V1.0.0 Beta 1 at
A time-limited beta license (30 days) is included in the download.
To read more about this new product, go to: www.datanamic.com/datagenerator/
We hope you enjoy this new product, and we welcome your comments and
suggestions at support@datanamic.com. As always, we thank you for your
interest and your support for Datanamic's products.