Data Modeling Tool

Almost all businesses these days rely heavily on data to make important decisions. Correct and consistent data is of great importance for business users to make quick and well informed decisions. The data need to be defined and structured to ensure reliable results.
The process of defining and structuring data is called data modeling. Data modeling is a process in which the database is designed. The data modeling process is both an expression of ART and the application of TECHNIQUE.
Designing a database is a creative process. You analyze and model to meet specific solutions with unique requirements.
By using data modeling techniques and design patterns, you can design the database on the basis of constraints, variables and performance characteristics.
Simplify Your Data Modeling Tasks
To avoid human error and speed up the data modeling process, specialised software can be used to help with building the data model, generating the database, synchronizing the data model and the database and building database schema reports to describe and share the model with other stakeholders. DeZign for Databases is a graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies your data modeling tasks. It allows you to be creative (ART) and helps you with the data modeling techniques (TECHNIQUE).
Intuitive Modeling Environment
DeZign for Databases is a very intuitive data modeling tool that supports more than 15 database platforms. DeZign for Databases offers a sophisticated visual data modeling environment for data modeling that makes your database development process much easier. You can visualize database structures (Entity Relationship Diagram) to understand your database, create new databases or reverse engineer existing databases to modify, document and analyze. Model-driven collaboration is supported when you use the Datanamic Repository.
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